Welcome to Day 1,291.
Today is an eventful day for site news, so let's begin.
First up, part 1 of Sapple has been added to the Tats What's Up! calendar, while part 6 of Mangel Fing and parts 1 & 2 of The Six Steps To Greener Pastures A.K.A. Successful Self-Employment have all moved to Inflindication.
In SwaneWorld news, a new item has been launched, with it being the latest Penguin Painted Rock that was done by Steve Kaycee.
In more While & After news, part 4 of An Ode To My Contemporaries has posted to the Kaycee And The Forefront page, while part 3 of An Ode To My Contemporaries has moved to both Inflindication and Inflindication II.
In Going Retro news, a combined five updates occurred between the completion of the 01-03-22 Nog Report and this Nog Report. To see what they are, simply go here.
And finally in Land Of Infusion news, there are two such items. To find out what they are, simply view the bullet points below:
- Home Sweet Hell has been placed on the Wonka In Reverse page, following its assessment
- The tentative Two ThouCentennial spot that was revoked from Being Flynn has been rewarded to Encanto, as the latter of those two movies has gotten hard copy confirmation
Well, that's all for now.
Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.